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"Цветные" идиомы:

white night - ночь без сна
He was hardly able to work after a few white nights.

look blue - иметь унылый вид
Do you not why he look blue?

to sail under false colours - обманывать, лицемерить
Although he assured us of his support but he actually sailed under false colours.

once in a blue moon - очень редко
Once in a blue moon we decided to go on vacation abroad but his leave was cancelled.

out of the blue - совершенно неожиданно, как гром среди ясного неба
He lost his job out of the blue.

to look through blue glasses - смотреть мрачно, пессимистически
Her mother looked through blue glasses at her career.

green hand - новичок, неопытный человек
It is not a job to be handled by a green hand.

catch (someone) red-handed - поймать (кого-то) с поличным
The children were caught red-handed in the garden trying to steal apples.

white elephant - бесполезное приобретение
The new bookkeeping program was a white elephant and nobody wanted to us.
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"Do you not why he look blue?" Наверно, хотели спросить "Do you know (note?) why he lookS blue?"